Dr. Alfie Morgan
Alfie Morgan is Emeritus Professor of Business Administration at the University of Windsor. He holds a Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees all in the field of Business Administration. He is the author/co-author of numerous publications and one book-- covering topics in the areas of strategic management, strategic planning, entrepreneurship and new venture formation. With a career spanning 50 years of teaching at four U.S. and Canadian universities, he taught thousands of undergraduate and graduate students--in addition to business executives in seminars, workshops, and short training courses. At the University of Windsor, he founded the areas of Strategic management (including International Business, business strategy, and, Entrepreneurship); in addition to establishing the Business Resource Centre for providing consulting services to small business. He also has a management consulting practice specializing in strategic planning, and new venture formation for firms in Michigan and Ontario. In 2004, he served as Acting Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Windsor. As an educator, his philosophy is to “teach business the way business does business”. To that end, he pursued researching corporate best practices; hands-on involvement in business through management consulting and partnering in various ventures; and, active participation in the affairs of the business community. Over the years, he served on the boards of directors of several business corporations and not-for-profit organsiations such as the Windsor Regional Chamber of Commerce, Essex Community Futures Corporation, and St. Clair College of Arts and Technology. Along with local business leaders, he spearheaded and chaired numerous initiatives to make this region business friendly: the Mayor's Small Business Task Force, City Council Small Business Advisory Panel, the Economic Diversification Committee, the Business Excellence Awards Program at the Windsor Chamber of Commerce, Windsor-Essex Economic Strategic Planning Committee, the Cross-Border Shopping Task Force, the Border Zone Advisory Board, the Windsor-Essex Suppliers' Network, the NAFTA Superhighway Coalition, the Small Business Committee at the Chamber of Commerce, the Entrepreneurship Forum, the Southwestern Ontario Venture Group, and the Mentoring Program-- among others. He was also a columnist with the Windsor Star and In Business Magazine addressing the issues facing the business community and offering management advice for small business owners. He serves as a resource person for the media-- newspapers (The Windsor Star, The Globe & Mail), radio (CBC, CKLW, WJR), and television (CBC local and national, CTV) — providing an assessment of emerging developments and their impact on the local economy. Because of his involvement in the local business scene, he has been dubbed by the media as “a business activist” and “Windsor’s business guru”. Beyond the Windsor area, he chaired the Provincial and the Southwest panels of the Global Traders Awards Program for the Province of Ontario for several years, served as president of the Canadian Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, organized several business and academic conferences, and, delivered workshops for business executives and academics in several provinces as well as overseas. At the international level, he served as an expert for projects by the Canadian International Development Agency in Kenya, The Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.